Well I expected to have hiccups in this process but not this big and not this early on in the venture. I`ll simply blame it on the busyness of life and I will try to do better in the future. At any rate here we go…
Week 3
15/01/13 I am in the process of making a pattern for this little peg doll. I will eventually post about them…
16/01/13 Taliah made the toadstool tables along with wooden stump chairs, with a loaf of bread for the wee peg people.
17/01/13 We have been enjoying many evenings and meals by lamp light this winter.
18/01/13 This picture does not do this soup justice, it is so yummy. It is a creation of my Mom’s; she calls it her Lentil and Kielbasa Soup, did I say it was delicious, mmm.
19/01/13 Samuel is sneaking a piece of toast before we all got to the table. I prepared the fruit, we had fresh pineapple, strawberries and blackberries. My children prepared the rest of the meal, there was scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and fried potatoes. Yum!
20/01/13 Self portrait (so to speak) 🙂
21/01/13 This is really wonderful and perhaps needs a post all on its own. Joel has talked very little about the hospital, we get things like: I liked to paint there, or they had lots of movies, and good food. We rarely hear him speak about what happened there. Taliah built a Lego hospital and wanted to make a stop motion film of Joel’s journey. (Sadly I don’t think we have the tech support to help her with this.) Anyway, as she built things, Joel started to talk about things that happened, other family members shared stories they remembered and it has been very neat to watch this unfold. Perhaps I will have to share more pictures. In this picture there is Joel on the bed about to get a needle (poke), there is an IV pole behind him, I have my hand on him comforting him and the brown and orange guy is Jenny below: is a picture of Joel and Jenny. Photo credit: Taliah
It was busyness that kept me from posting this on time.
Week 4
Week 4 started off okay, but then I missed several days and then thought I would get up week 3 and my pathetic week 4, and before I knew it, it was week 5 and I am still late posting.
22/01/13 Finished this scarf for my Dad. Here is a link to the scarf pattern.
23/01/13, 24/01/13, and 25/01/13, I have no pictures 🙁
26/01/13 Hannah playing dress up. This was taken in our dark hallway, so not the best picture.
27/01/13 Samuel is always eating apples he loves them. If you only knew how many Samuel and apple pictures I have restrained from posting…. photo credit: David
28/01/13 No picture.
Week 5
29/01/13, and 30/01/13 No pictures
31/01/13 Making something, can you guess? I will post soon.
01/02/13 This is a family favourite, I have shared this before but if you missed it here is a link to the recipe found at Reformation Acres. MMMMmmmm.
02/02/13 A picture taken on Candlemas, to find out more follow this link to a post about Candlemas.
03/02/13 No picture
04/02/13 Taliah made this puppy, again with Lego, we have a lot of Lego building going on around here. I will have to highlight some of the other children’s creations or I might get accused of favouritism.
I thought because I missed so many days I would share some pictures from a recent snow day!
Hannah had a bout with frostbite already this winter and she was not taking any chances.
I got Hannah to open her jacket a little for this picture and then she had me close her back up.
