Joel had another good day today, he woke up without a fever so we got our 2 hour pass. Joel was so happy he was beaming as he got into the van. For a short time today we felt like a normal family again. Okay normal isn’t the right word but it didn’t feel like we were on a 2 hour pass from the hospital.Joel was hamming it up pretty good. His appetite wasn’t very big but his smiles were. The kids had a great time together. I think they all felt good getting Joel to laugh.
This is Joel with his puppy ‘Luke.’ I was asking him to give me smiles and he kept putting something in front of his face. It was either Luke or his happy meal toy.
Here they are all together just having a good time and as you can see Joel is making another funny face.
Hannah loves having her picture taken too!!! Her sense of humor is really growing, she had a great time making her Joely laugh.
When we were done lunch I told Joel we were going to have to head back to the hospital. He told me he wanted to buy something so I asked him what it was he wanted to buy. He wanted to buy some food so we went in to a grocery store and he picked out 2 apples and 1 whole wheat bun. When we got back out to the van Taliah asked him if he was going to eat them to which he replied, ‘no.’ I think he wanted to go to the grocery store because that is a normal thing to do.
He is a cutie, isn’t he? When we got back to the hospital the kids ate snacks, coloured and watched a movie. It was a good day.
