I have said many times in the last two years that I need to write regularly on here…while I am trying.
I feel the need to squeeze in a few posts before the end of the month. To write about something the following month seems slightly acceptable but to flip the calendar to yet another month just seems wrong. Before April gets here I need to get these out of the way!
SO… A very belated Happy Birthday to Elijah (Samuel’s post to follow in a day or two)!
It feels impossible to write it, but, to the boy who called me “Momma” first I now call him a man! A MAN! Yep my firstborn is 18. I know there is far more to being a man than the number but at 18 he is seen by much of society as a man, and I daresay he is beginning to behave as a man.
Sure Dave and I still see areas that need improvement and we are not cutting all the apron strings just yet but he is manning up in so many areas.
Tomorrow he is headed off for a ‘job interview.’ I think he is a bit nervous but terribly excited too. It is interesting to have children that depend on you for everything (Moriah), others who are wanting to do things for themselves, and then those who are at the place where in so many ways we just need to release them to go, and if they fall, they are now at the place where they will pick themselves back up and dust themselves off. I won’t be there to swoop in and pick him back up. Sure as long as we are alive Dave and I will support our children prayerfully, and physically too if needed, but I think you get where I am going with this.
I am excited for this chapter in his life. He is definitely our biggest dreamer, which has caused me to lose sleep more nights than I can count. He always seems to have these grandiose ideas but when you ask him how he is going to accomplish it he is usually missing some steps between step 1 and 10. Yet the world needs big dreamers too. I have no clue where God will lead this young man of mine but I know He has a plan and a purpose for him.
Elijah may God richly bless you, may He lead you along the path He has set for you. Keep your eyes fixed on him and He will plant your feet on firm ground. I have prayed this for you since you were a babe and I will continue to pray this Psalm for you. “I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” ~Psalm 16:8
Love you Elijah ~Momma
