Well I am not surprised that I fell off the wagon so quickly, with this, ‘week in pictures post.’ So once again here are the last three weeks.
Week 15
09-04-13We have a few of these hats in our dress up bin, both Joshua and Hannah often wear one to bed as their night-cap.
I think I have already established in the past that I have a thing for sleeping kiddos, here are Samuel and Joel sound asleep.
Looks like a Ladybug doesn’t it? It isn’t! It is an Asian Lady Beetle, and these little guys are driving me nuts. They are all over our house and we have lost all affection for these little creepy crawlies. One or two are cute but hundreds are annoying. We no sooner clean them up and reinforcements have arrived. I now know where the saying, “They are coming out of the wood work,” came from.
We had our last blast of winter complete with freezing rain, evidently, it was too much for this poor tree. That will make one more thing to add to our already lengthy ‘to do list’ for spring. Photo credit: Dave
Dave took this picture too, Joshua being silly….
At our church we have a boys club for boys 8-14, called Knight School. The boys start of as Apprentices, and then move through three more levels, Page, Squire and lastly Knight. On this Sunday morning Joshua graduated to the Page level. We were very proud of him. I had been very sick and could not stop coughing. I felt awful missing this moment in Joshua’s life. Dave took pictures for me. Here Joshua is being prayed for by our Pastor and one of the Deacons.
Week 16
While I was sick Dave was busy with the camera. Maple Syrup season came to an end and Dave took a picture of the last 6 litres he made. I love all the different colours. We ended up with 10 litres this year, sadly that will be gone far too quickly.
That is the last of our snow behind Hannah. We had a great time on this drizzly day. We collected all different kinds of pine-cones some to save and some to race in the creek.
Joel enjoying the warmer weather while swinging!
18-04-13 No picture
19-04-13 Ever since Joel went through radiation and chemo, he developed this insanely bad gag reflex, and dental work is next to impossible. Our dentist does a hospital day every so often and opted to put Joel under. Hannah had some work which needed to be done that was in a hard to reach spot and a small, umm cosmetic dental issue, and again our dentist felt it would be less stressful on Hannah if she was put under too. In this instance I’d have to agree. It was funny she was over the moon excited. I watched as other kids came in and I would hear the nurse say, “Are you nervous,” one little boy nodded his head and said, “”I thought I might throw up.” Another little girl snuggled close in her Mamma’s arms. Not Hannah, in her eyes it was finally her turn to go to the hospital. She knew just what to expect, when you have an older brother that has been put under well over 60 times,no detail is missed. She handled it like an old pro. Of course for Joel this is common place, so it was no big deal. In the bottom picture Hannah had been up for a while and was on her second popsicle and Joel just woke up.
I had an opportunity to go to a quilt show with my Mom. Every pew in this church was covered. There was another room full of them too. Extraordinary work!
21-04-13 No picture
Week 17
Just a funny picture of Samuel with his broccoli Often you hear people speak with disdain towards this poor vegetable. Not in our house it is the most loved vegetable amongst our children, I can never seem to cook enough of it!
23-04-13 No picture
While I was out this day Elijah was busy cleaning, he took pictures of each room when he was finished to prove that he had cleaned it, just in case the wrecking crew came along behind him!
My children never seem to be short on imagination. They also love to dress up. Here is my amazing warrior knight, Sir Joel. How apropos!
My three youngest having fun together. I really do have three older children they just do not jump in front of the camera as often!
Dave has been busy pruning trees… come on spring. I am so excited for the warmer weather and things beginning to grow! Photo credit: Dave
28-04-13 No picture
29-04-13 Joel waiting ever so patiently for Dr. O’Conner. It has taken three years but Joel is finally talking to him. Joel went mute after surgery, and even after he started to talk he would not speak to medical staff there are still a few he has yet to talk to. On this day though he was quite chatty.
That about catches us back up!
