It has been quite awhile since I have posted a Field Trip Friday. it was my intent to do it weekly and then we hit the Christmas rush, next we were sick and on and on it went. My point in wanting to have Homeschoolers link up their outings was to encourage one another and give each other ideas of fun things to do with our children.
As I mulled this idea over I decided that perhaps it would be better to change it up a bit. I didn’t want to throw Field Trip Fridays out completely as I think it is important to get out of the house and explore the world but I thought it would be fun to include the whole world of Homeschooling. So from here on out On the Old Path will be hosting a weekly feature called Field Trip Fridays & Other Homeschool Fun.
The Rules
Currently there aren’t many and I reserve the right to change that up too.
Add your link below, it has to be about Homeschooling, it can be something you just did or an archive post that is a real good one. Art projects, Science experiments, Nature hikes you name it! If you don’t blog feel free to leave a comment telling us about what you have been up to.
Optional Grab the button in the sidebar and spread the word!!
