I don’t want to become that blog. You know the one. You find a quirky little blog it isn’t big and flashy. Just a comfortable corner in cyber-space. You aren’t even sure why you continue to pop by that blog. The writing isn’t dynamic, the photos are passable… but somehow you connect with the writer. Perhaps it is because it is an honest look at a life with all it’s faults. Then one day you stop in and there hasn’t been any new posts in over a week that then stretches to over a month. Finally, there is a frantic little post that says. “I’m all right, I’m still here, life just got in the way but I’m over that and now I am back in business. Only, a week goes by and nothing….
You bookmark the blog so you can check back in but after a few months the same page that has been there for months is staring back at you. Finally, one day it is just gone.
I don’t want to be that blog. I guess I have to figure things out a little further than I did a few months ago. I love to blog. Yet I have only managed 4 posts in the last month. Elijah asked me at supper tonight if I was still blogging. I want to, but I need to take care of the home-front too, and I am still juggling all of that. I do feel like I am making headway with it, but it is slow progress. I have my excuses my computer is dead and I am competing for time on the slower desktop. Most weeks I am gone a minimum of 2 times for Joel’s appointments. This week had 3 appointments, next week 4, and the week after that 3 again.
I know some blogging Mommas see their blog as a career and you make time for it and you work it. I guess if you know that, that is what your blog is you will make time for it. Unfortunately my little blog has no real definition to it other than it would document our journey through the ups and downs of life. So I apologise yet again for the infrequent posts. We ARE still here and we are moving forward. I don’t want to be that blog…
