Last Saturday I was lying in bed when I remembered that Friday had passed and I had not posted about Field Trip Fridays. I apologize. I will not be hosting Field Trip Friday tomorrow either but I will do another one on the 9th of December.
I got a call from CHEO (the children’s hospital) and they had a cancellation so they moved Joel’s appointment up. We will be getting up bright and early to head off. That will be our field trip for tomorrow. Joel will be seeing the eye doctor. His one eye still has not straightened. It turned in after surgery. They have been keeping an eye on it (no pun intended) and have decided to do surgery. Tomorrow is just a check up, but I am expecting to get a few more details as he may not have another check up before surgery.
You can pray for me Joel needs eye drops for this appointment and he hates them. He would rather have a needle or an MRI than eye drops!!
Joel has been doing well, like anyone else he has good days and bad days but we are seeing slow improvement. He is constantly asking me how much longer till Christmas! We have been busy getting ready for Christmas I am trying to make most of our gifts this year and am a little overwhelmed with how close Christmas is. Joel keeps telling me it will take forever for Christmas to get here and I keep thinking, “AHHHH it will be here in no time!”
This past Sunday we finally had Samuel dedicated at church. When he was born our lives were so busy with hospital visits and just concentrating on Joel’s recovery, that we kept putting things off. While Joel is done cancer treatment we are still very busy with therapy appointments etc. It is clear that life with 6 children never slows down so you just have to make time for the important things. My Mom, Dad, and brother were able to join us. It was really lovely. I asked Dave if he could take a couple of pictures of Samuel as I was busy. I just looked at the pictures tonight and had to laugh I am very particular about pictures. Dave always says to me, “Why do you bother asking me to take the picture.” I guess I always figure he can take a picture as well as I can, but, I guess I just see things differently then he does.
To his credit photographing an active 9 month old is not easy!
There were close to 40 pictures and I think this one was the best one 🙂 We can look back and laugh and tell him he was not always the easiest guy to get a picture of. Dave did take this picture that I shared a few days ago.
It just depends on their moods! I had better call it a night as Joel, Samuel, and I will be heading to the hospital first thing tomorrow.
