Wow, here we are again! Thanks for all the well wishes, last week. I still have my cold and I can’t decide if Samuel is bothered with teeth or a bit of a cold. I am still hearing some coughing from some of the other children, but, for the most part I think it is safe to say we are on the mend! About a week and a few days ago we again headed outdoors we decided to take the children on a picnic and to enjoy some more mild fall air!!
They had a blast exploring and seeing what they could find. I need to get in the habit of having them bring along their nature journals. We decided to eat in the van as it was rather windy and then we headed to the shoreline to explore. (I have no idea why I feel the need to share this but if you happen to notice in one photo the Ford emblem, we did not buy a Ford, we went with a Chevy. Our new van had something wrong with it and the car lot was willing to repair it so we had a loaner vehicle.)
Dave was peeling a clementine and Samuel was intent on getting some of it…
…I think he was pretty proud of himself!
You almost can’t see Joel for the grass and cattails.
I love this picture of Taliah, the sun was hitting her hair and you can see all the different shades in it. She is sitting there on a rock watching the waves. Love it.
Some of my children love having their picture taken while others, well, let’s just say it is not so easy to snap a picture of them.
Apparently this is a popular pose with the younger men!
This rock made me laugh, I had to take a picture of the rock guy!
We were so impressed with Joel, uneven ground is not easy for him, but he maneuvered through the rocky ground fairly well. Near the end of our walk he stretched out a hand and called to his Daddy to help him along the rest of the way. He had a few tumbles but for the most part he got right back up and pressed on.
While we were there we saw people flying these amazing kites. They were truly beautiful somehow the picture just doesn’t do them justice. With these Field Trips the children may not be learning anything earth shattering but we want to instill in them a love for family, love for their Creator and His creation.
As I write this post it is -2 C (for my friends in the US that’s 27 F) so I don’t thing there will be many more waterfront trips left this year.
Did you manage to get out and about this week. Please join with us and link up what you have been up to. If you have an older post about a fun Field Trip feel free to share it too. The more ideas the better.
