I wanted to post something a little more profound tonight, but once again life got in the way.
I went to get something out of my freezer this evening when I knocked over some homemade popsicles of the grape variety. Normally this would not be a problem but on this evening liquid purple juice went everywhere. Why are the popsicles melted??? I checked the fridge and SOMEONE moved the freezer switch all the way to off. Everything was melted so I had to throw out some food move other things to the fridge to be consumed in the next 24-48 hours as it was all still cold.
Then I had to begin clean up the grape based juice went everywhere all over the freezer and in to the fridge, it hit the floor and the wall. I had to give the fridge a top to bottom scrub thankfully it was on my list to do. Can you imagine how I would have felt if I had just cleaned the fridge. I was almost done cleaning the fridge when I knocked over our industrial size mustard container, I had mustard all over the floor. There were a few splatters but mustard does not have the same spray action and it did not fall as far as the juice.
I ow have an extremely clean fridge!!
As I did not feel like taken pictures of the mess I decided to throw in some random pictures from around here.
We are in full party prep mode. The count down is on. We have most things pulled together but there is still some work to do.
The kids are all getting really excited, I am a little worried as there is a 60% chance of thunder showers so pray for sunshine!!
By the way of the 5 possible suspects who could have moved the freezer switch, they all claim that they are innocent. (By the way I have no idea what kind of flower this is but I love it anyone know??)
HHHHhhhmmmmm? I think, SOMEONE is not being truthful. I don’t think I will ever know.
