We often get asked questions about home schooling our children, why we do it, what we do, where we get materials and curriculum etc.. I thought I might over the next few months do a post here and there about our school. In my mind life is a school, there is something to be learned by us all everyday if we will look for the opportunities. I don’t wish to give my children just an education of textbooks but of real life.
We have tried our hands at Nature Study in the past and I am hoping to be more purposeful about it this year. We decided to take a walk around our yard and look at the various things right under our noses. The children and I all have little sketch book/journals to record our findings in. I decided to bring my camera along too.
We have noticed quite a few of these guys, ‘Banded Garden Spiders’… thankfully harmless… well, not to bugs.
Taliah planted this sunflower it is hard to see but there is a bumble bee hard at work.
There he is, a bit closer shot any closer on my camera and he becomes blurry.
We have countless grasshoppers but they are a favorite of the children’s so I had to take a picture of him too.
Well this fellow is neither nature nor wild life… more of the pet sort but he followed us all around the yard so I felt he warranted a photo.
Now I have yet to find out what type of plant this is, it wasn’t in our garden last year and we did not plant it this year which makes me think it could be a weed of some sort but it is rather pretty so we left it in the garden. Anyone know what it is???
We weren’t sure what type of caterpillar this was at first but we think we are looking at the Yellow Bear Caterpillar or Spilosoma Virginica.
Our pumpkin vine is still blooming!
At the end of the day I found this unique specimen hiding amongst the foliage.
It is fun to take a closer look at the creepy crawlies and plants right in our own backyard and of course, we learned a few new things in the process.
