Thought I would quickly update how things went at the hospital this week. Yesterday Joel was amazing. He had to have a GFR test which tests kidney function. They inject a radioactive substance then over the next 3 hours they draw blood 3 times. So injection at 9am and blood draws at 10am, 11am & 12noon. He was so good about it. He also had a hearing test which he passed.
Some of his chemo meds can effect hearing and kidney function so before each round they test these to be sure they don’t need to adjust doses. I haven’t heard how his GFR was but no news is good news.
Today we went for therapy and it was not as positive as yesterday. The first 5 minutes were fine but when she started to ask Joel to do things which he felt were difficult he dropped to the ground and assumed the fetal position. As we tried to cajole him along the scene went from bad to worse faster than a bullet train. Needless to say that was the end of therapy.
I will try some of the activities he did not want to attempt there here at home. Walking backwards and standing on one foot maybe we can make a game of it.
