Sorry, I haven’t written in a while AGAIN! Things have been very busy around here mostly in a good way. We have been trying to get ourselves organized things really piled up around here when Joel and I were in the hospital. Anything Dave wasn’t sure where I wanted it went in the homeschool room. Then when we got home for the first part I was just too tired… then I found things enough just taking care of Joel and the other kids, cooking and cleaning and doing laundry etc. Next we had our heat wave and all I wanted to do was drink lemonade and sit in front of a fan.
I finally have got myself motivated to whip this place back into shape…so to speak. My stress level is always lower when things are organized. I found the homeschool room again and even took time to complete a little project that I have been wanting to finish for several weeks NOW. I am a very visual person so I went out and bought the letters to spell NOW. I have felt the need to remind myself to live in the NOW I know I have mentioned that before but more than ever I seem to need that reminder.
Jesus reminds us not to worry about tomorrow…Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
I don’t know if I am worried about tomorrow so much but I want to know how Joel is going to fair in all of this. Yet all my questioning and wondering doesn’t change a thing. What is true is Joel is here with us… he has made it through some incredibly tough stuff. The future is unknown to us all. So I am choosing to focus on NOW.
