I had wanted to post before Advent even began, of course, as you can clearly see I did not make that happen. I have decided to write when I can even if it does not fit my ideals. This time of year is busy. We try our best to keep Christmas simple and for the most part handmade. I do start early but inevitably end up with projects piling up. Apparently, time management is not my strong point. I will say that I manage the important things well enough, it is my crafting and blogging that take the biggest hit. I know what my issues are at least, I have not calculated in time for illness or other surprises. I get migraines and if one of those hits me, then my plans of crocheting or blogging takes a backseat.
I digress though, I wanted to talk about Advent. I have written about it before here, and probably elsewhere on this blog. I have recently come across those in the Christian faith who oppose the practice of Advent. Their argument largely being that it is not Biblical, not commanded in the Bible, and that we should be living this way everyday not just during Advent. I do not disagree with these points and if that is your belief that is fine with me. Advent, while not commanded in the Bible, does bring value to my journey with God though.
By nature, as alluded to above, I can easily get distracted and wrapped up in things. Advent helps me to check myself and prepare myself and my family for Christmas. It seems with each passing year, the world does it’s best to squeeze Jesus out of Christmas. It saddens me to think of how many children eagerly await Christmas morning, yet have no idea that the Christ in Christmas refers to Jesus. They rip open their gifts and miss the greatest gift of all time – Jesus.
I want it to be abundantly clear to my children why we bother to celebrate Christmas at all. We recognize the gift of Jesus, and look with expectation and hope to His return. Yes, we also visit friends and family, open gifts and eat special treats. That is why Advent is so important to me. By taking these 4 weeks before Christmas, to pray, read special stories, focus on our faith, then the true meaning is less likely to get lost amongst the eggnog and wrapping paper.
We have an Advent wreath each year (perhaps not so wreath like), in which we light a new candle each week, with the 5th candle being lit on Christmas. Our Advent wreath has changed over the 16 years of our marriage form rather traditional to a much less traditional. I had planned on making something new for us this year. (If you check out Advent wreaths on Pinterest you will see a vast array of them.) This may not surprise you but I ran out of time and wasn’t able to make the new Advent wreath I had planned on making. Instead I worked with what I had and in the end I think it is one of the prettiest ones we have ever had.
Today is already the fourth of December and Lord willingly in twenty days time we will be gathering together with David’s side of the family. Twenty short days and so many things I hope to do before then. I may not check off everything on my list, but I do know that most importantly my family will continue to grow closer to Jesus.
How do you prepare for Christmas?
Blessings my friends!
