Here we are at week 20 already, I feel like I am starting to get the hang of this, posting a little late though.
The kids and Dave went to work moving our fire-pit. It seemed like it was in the perfect place but it was right where we are planning to extend our garden, so it had to be moved. We walked around our few acres and discussed all our future plans. There really wasn’t a perfect spot for it, so we settled on a place we both could agree upon. I wasn’t thrilled at first but as time has gone on I am liking the new spot more and more and have actually decided it is a pretty good location after all. Here is Samuel sitting on his log eating his very first s’mores.
This is so hard to make out but this is our strawberry patch, and on the far end are some wee blueberry bushes I am praying they finally take off this year. As for the strawberries, Dave planted 50 new plants and then we have a bunch from the previous year, hopefully in a few years we will be overrun with strawberries.
Joel and I went for a little visit to where Joel has taken therapeutic riding lessons, it was just supposed to be a little visit to see Odee and bring him an apple. Joel was blessed with a little ride, oh how he missed his friend Odee. Odee is just a fantastic, amazingly gentle horse. What a gift he is to all the children who work with him.
Our current favourite salad, it makes my mouth water just looking at the picture. Perhaps I should post it’s recipe, super simple.
18/05/13 Apparently this was the only picture taken today, Joshua is the model and I believe Taliah is the creator, and I think Dave was the photographer???
Green beans with toasted almonds and a pinch of salt, pepper, and a bit of butter, enough said.
20/05/13 Our chickens are free range within reason. We have put up some fencing because they have done some garden damage in the past and they poop everywhere. Dave has been moving their grazing area around since the spring weather finally took care of the snow. We noticed in this one section that they took down a very weedy area while the grass was still fairly high. We have this mess of weeds behind our old barn. So, we thought why not put them to work back there. Dave made a long narrow-ish run for them and they love to hide under the bushes digging and pecking. Hopefully within a week they’ll have it all weeded and cultivated for us. (Not to mention fertilized!) What have you been up to?
