The Rules
Currently there aren’t many and I reserve the right to change that up too.
Add your link below, it has to be about Homeschooling, it can be something you just did or an archive post that is a real good one. Art projects, Science experiments, Nature hikes you name it! If you don’t blog feel free to leave a comment telling us about what you have been up to. G-rated blogs please!
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Our Week
It has rained and rained and rained around here so we have been stuck in the house. Not much in the way of field trips has happened. Well, unless you count going to speech therapy and physio. There was one special outing that Elijah took with Dave though. Early in the morning they headed out to have Elijah’s braces removed.
One of the things I love about having my children at home is that we get to celebrate these moments together. We were all here when he walked through the door braces-less. Elijah proudly announced, “Now I can eat ribs and popcorn!” One of the little ones asked, “Can we have popcorn now?” “Sure!” I said, and at 10 in the morning we stopped what we were doing popped some popcorn and watched a movie in celebration of the braces coming off.
I know if we weren’t homeschooling we could have just as easily done this in the evening but I love that we can be spontaneous. Sure we have a schedule that we try to stick to hangs on our wall, but with homeschooling the books will always be there. If there is a little bit of blue sky after days of rain, we can put down the books and chase after the blue sky. We have done lessons at 7 o’clock at night or even on a Saturday morning. March break? What is that?
With homeschooling it becomes a lifestyle. We discuss what we are learning as we are driving in the car. The movies that we pick will often have historical value or show us how to do something. Learning is a lifestyle that for us does not have set hours of the day, or days of the week, or even seasons of the year. Oh, and rib-fest is scheduled for next Friday at Gramma and Biba’s house!!
What have you been up to this week in your homeschool?
