It is very easy for me to sit here and tell you what God has done in my life. I think just about any parent whose child has walked away from brain cancer could write a book about what God has done in their life, and maybe one day I will write a book. But the question I am looking at today is what is He DOING in my life?
If I am going to be honest, it is much harder to look at what He is doing. I could talk about all the tiny and huge miracles He is at work doing in Joel’s life, yet then I am avoiding talking about MY life.
In my life I am wrestling with Him over some old issues and some new ones that He reveals to me. For the last eight years or so, I have had a laminated piece of card stock in my room that reads;
gentle, patient,
understanding &
That has been my desire as a Momma to answer my children in a gentle, patient, manner taking time to understand them. To create a peaceful environment by being a person who exudes peace, while humbling my self just as my Saviour did to be a servant of all. It hangs on my wall to this day because I have yet to perfect those qualities. Just tonight as I was doing dishes I bellowed, “Joshua, Joel and Hannah in here now! ” Then as I began to correct their behaviour I continued at my impressive volume only to realize they were all standing in front of me and there was no need to be so loud. Once I began talking in my ‘patient, gentle voice,’ Samuel began to holler, hmm where did he pick that up?
I could have just as easily set down the dishcloth and walked in to the next room and gathered my little ones around me and had the same conversation. I am learning each day. What is God doing in my life? He is slowly and patiently chipping away at the old me and carefully forming me into the image of His son, into the woman who He sees in me. It isn’t always pretty and sometimes the work gets a bit messy but He faithfully works away at reshaping me.
“being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ” ~ Philippians 1:6
What is He doing in your life….?
