Has spring sprung on our little Homestead? This year we were teased with unseasonably warm weather in March, and here we sit almost hours from May desperate for spring in all its glory. I think we can safely say spring is here. I may not be a fan of the mud that spring tracks in, but I definitely am a fan of the new life it brings.
For awhile now we have been hearing the chirping of birds and been watching them building their nests. We have roamed the property anxiously inspecting plants, trees, and bushes to see if they survived the winter. The roosters crow and the hens are happily pecking away at the new grass and umm weeds that are growing.
After ending up with too many roosters last year we decided to add some sex links to our flock. We have been selling some eggs and have customers waiting for us to expand. It is nice to be able to cover our chicken expenses and still make a tiny profit. We have not given up on heritage breeds and have decided to try to hatch a few out. The children are counting down the days until hatch day. I sure hope our rooster was up to the task otherwise we will have some disappointed little ones (and big ones).
The apple trees have all been pruned and the buds are starting to burst open. We are hoping to add a few more fruit trees this year and have already added ten raspberry canes. We decided to try five regular and five ever bearing and see which we prefer.
We need to get moving forward with the garden, between the rain and David’s work schedule we are at a stand still. Around here you can have frost up until the May 24 weekend so we have some time yet but it will be here before we know it. I feel very unprepared. I dream of a large country garden, orchard, a going chicken concern, a few turkeys, some pigs, and perhaps even a dairy cow or goat. Yet reality tells me that as many of these skills are new to Dave and I that we should take it one step at a time, and try and master a few skills before pushing forward.
I can’t help but look at all the new life and new beginnings and reflect on the new Life that Christ brings into our lives. As I reflect on the state of our Homestead, I find myself reflecting on the state of my heart. I guess the wonderful part is if there are any weeds starting to sprout up in my heart they can be pulled and I find that HIS mercies, “They are new every morning: great is your faithfulness.” ~ Lamentations 3:23
Looking forward to an abundant year in both my heart and the Homestead!
