Wednesday at sunset Purim begins, a few years ago the children and I studied Purim and have enjoyed practising some of the Purim traditions ever since. One of our favourite parts is making Hamantaschen (Haman’s Hat). These little cookies we found could be filled with a variety of yummy centres. Our favourites are strawberry or raspberry jam and brownie filling, yum. Poppy seeds, prunes and apricot are some of the more traditional fillings, and some Hamantaschen are more like a pastry than a cookie but we enjoy these ones and find them easy enough to bake. We thought we’d share this tradition with you!
We always begin by gathering together all our supplies, if you are going to try the Brownie filling you can try Our Brownie filling or use which ever one you want just mix it up and set aside!
You’ll need;
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 cups flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 2 TBLSP milk
- 1 tsp vanilla or lemon extract
Cream butter and sugar together than mix in your egg. Sift the flour and the baking powder together. Gradually add flour mixture to creamed mixture while adding milk a little at a time. ( I pour the vanilla right into my milk.) If you have time I find this recipe always turns out better if there is time to cool the dough you can even leave it overnight in the fridge. It will work if you make it right away. Roll the dough to a thickness of 1/8 – 1/4 of an inch thick. Cut into round forms add a drop of your mixture to the centre and then form into triangles. Bake between 375-350 (I use to make these add 375 but some how things are cooking to quickly in my oven.) For about 15 minutes until the edges are just starting to brown. Filing ~ brownie mix or jam.
Add the egg to the butter and sugar mixture and mix well.
Next you are going to add your flour a bit at a time, as well as your milk. I just add a bit of each and stir it in and then add a bit more of each until they are both all mixed in!
The last little bit I usually mix with my hands and then form into a ball.
Now your ready to roll it out and cut out our circles.
Add a dollop of mixture.
Finally shape into triangles by pinching together 3 ends.
We always have a few Hamantashen turn out in funny shapes those ones are great for my many helpers to taste test!
If you are wanting to explore different Jewish Holidays, Purim is a great one to start with. You can find all sorts of info online or grab a book from your local library. As we are Christians and not devout Jews we don’t celebrate Purim exactly how a Jewish family would.
We will make some more Hamentaschen and take some fruit or juice and make gifts of them as it is customary to give gifts of food. We will give to the poor in a special way as that too is customary. I’ll make a favourite meal for us to feast on and, of course, we will read the story of Esther. The children will stomp their feet and boo each time the dreaded Haman is mentioned. The children are figuring out costumes as they are wanting to put on a play… although she is not mentioned in the Bible I believe Hannah will be dressing up as the King’s dog 😀 Finally, we will end Thursday off by watching, “One Night with the King.” Do you celebrate any traditions that you did not grow up with?
