According to our calendar Autumn is officially here. Our temperatures have been slowly moving in that direct. I enjoy the change of season. Autumn is one of my favorites the cooler temperatures and the beautiful colours. Yet it also is a warning that before we know it the snow will fly. I am looking at the long list of things we want to accomplish before it becomes too cold to work outside and I am finding the list rather daunting.
I am so very thankful for Dave’s job and the time off he gets but it just does not seem like enough. The days he is home with us I wish we could just do family fun times but instead it is full of work. The more I think about it that is not such a bad thing. I find more and more today children want to be entertained and do not want to get their hands dirty. However there are few things that feel better than a job well done. When a child big or small works alongside Momma and Daddy and at the end of the day can say look at we have done, and I helped that is priceless.
I know there will be many stormy cold days this winter where we can curl up together for a good story, or play a board game. It is just like it says in Ecclesiastes 3:1~ To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. It is never all work and no play at our house in fact if you’d ask Dave he’d tell you most of the time it resembles all play and no work much to his chagrin. However over the next few weeks we are going to have to work hard to check everything off the list. There are at a least a dozen things on that list. We will have to wait in see just how many we will actually check off. I hope when I post pictures of our first snowfall I can tell you that we accomplished the list.
How about you? Any signs of Autumn? Do you have a check list that needs things checked off??
