It is almost time for the International Plow Match which is held annually in Ontario. There are qualifying matches held all over the province in preparation for the International Plow Match. On the weekend our neighbor hosted our local match. It was fun to watch the different plows, some newer, some older and even some horse powered plows.
My personal favorite were the horses;
Dave and I are both city kids, I did spend my high school summers and weekends throughout the year working at a riding academy. So I have had a love of everything country for a long time now. Dave has grown to love it over the last several years, but the pair of us have so much to learn. With our children growing up in the country we want to nurture a love for the country. Taking in plowing matches connect us with neighbors and our community. It exposes the kids to an array of people who love farming and fosters their interests in the realm of agriculture.
What kind of things do you do to encourage your children on the homestead (whether it is a small garden in the city or a 100 acre farm)??
Oh, I had to share this picture of Joel as he raced off, can you see the spring in his step???
