In these rather uncertain financial times everyone can use a good deal. I have always loved a good deal. I like to decorate my home with a bit of a country flare. I want to have my home comfy and organized. I don’t think I’ll ever have a house that looks like it should be featured in a design magazine. When I look back to when Dave and I were first married I loved to shop for our little home. As the years have gone by, our family has grow, gas prices have risen and along with it everything else has too. Which means we have to stretch our dollars as far as we can. One of our families favorite way to do that is…
Garage Sales!
We love to try and get as much work done during the week so we can get up bright and early on Saturday to go treasure hunting. Our kids are really good about it. They understand that you have to hold out for just the right thing. Joshua waited 3 weeks until he finally found something he wanted to spend his money on. He was a little disappointed the first few weeks but after 3 weeks he spent 10 cents and came home with a treasure.
I had been looking for an exersaucer for Samuel for a few weeks. I saw a really nice one on Kijiji for $30. but it sold quickly. Finally, last Saturday we found one for $20. I asked if they would take $15. for it and they agreed. We got it home and cleaned it just to be sure, it was already very clean.
A lot!
Taliah bought this basket to put her art supplies in, as she loves to sketch constantly. Joel got a snow shovel for .25 cents, we have picked up fantastic books for the kids for a nickel or a quarter.
Tomorrow, we will get up early and go to a few garage sales looking for more treasures before going to the plowing match at our neighbor’s house. Do you ever go hunting for deals at garage sales?
