How well do you trust? We put our faith and trust in countless things each day. When we sit we trust that the chair will hold us up. If you have ever had a chair break on you then you may second guess a chair before you sit on it, but the thought never goes through your mind when you sit down on the couch. When you get in the car you trust that it will get you from A to B. If the car has always been faithful, then you hop on in without another thought. However, if you have been having repair after repair you might offer up a prayer that you will make it from A to B hassle free.
In most cases we put our faith or trust in things without question until it lets us down and then we begin to question it. Sadly, when people have had their trust broken by others they begin to distrust others, even people who have never disappointed them. We tell our children when they lie to us that they will have to earn our trust back.
What about God? Why is it that God is so hard to trust? People will put their faith in the latest diet pill, investment plan or fast talking salesman, but won’t even give God a chance. Even for those who call him Lord we hold back. Oh, I know, none of us are perfect and so we have issues, but the crazy thing is that we will put our trust in the imperfect, yet we struggle to trust in the perfect.
In God’s word we see Him encouraging us to trust in Him.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. ~ Proverbs 3:5
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. ~ Psalm 9:10
When I am afraid, I will trust in you. ~ Psalm 56:3
I barely scratched the surface you can google bible verses with trust in them and you’ll find many many verses. The truth is God is trustworthy. End of story. So why do we struggle? For some it is fear, some it is control… For some it is easy to trust Him with some things yet other areas we hold onto. Dave and I were able to trust God with Joel. The night before Joel’s surgery with fear and trembling we each laid Joel before God we did not know if he would live but we trusted God with him. It was a huge thing to us and we look back at the peace and trust we had in those moments with awe. In many things I find it easy to trust God.
Remember, I said none of us are perfect, where I seem to struggle with trusting God are in the things hoped for. Especially where Joel is concerned, crazy on that terrifying night I laid my precious little 4 year old boy at His feet and trusted. Yet, here I find us through the cancer treatment with my almost 6 year old little guy and I struggle to trust his future to God. I have so many what ifs running through my head and I desperately want to believe in a total healing yet…
He is perfect, holy, trustworthy. There is no hate in Him, no malice. He is good….
It should be easy to trust. What is holding you back from total trust?? Do you think He will let you down? Disappoint? Fail you? This is God we are talking about He will not fail, disappoint or let you down. My worry about the future is a burden.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. ~ Matthew 11:28-30
Take some time and ask God what am I holding on to that is getting in my way of trusting you completely? Give up your burden whether it is fear, the need for control, disbelief etc. and trust Him in all things for He is faithful and worthy of our trust.
