Some of you may have noticed that I did not update how I did last week. I had said I would update on Saturday. I had also wanted to get this post up early in the day today. Doesn’t look like a good start to things does it. I do have a few explanations though….
To begin with and probably most importantly, I asked us all to ask God to look into our hearts and show us what is cluttering up our hearts. Well, God showed me a few areas that need work in my own life. It is a combination of laziness (for lack of a better word) and mixed up priorities. I’ll explain: God desires a relationship with all of us, and at times I let the busyness of life get in the way of my relationship with God. My life is busy and full and I believe God understands the challenges of being a Momma to 6 little ones (okay not all of them are that little anymore) but He still wants time with me. I don’t even mean that I have to have an hour studying His Word each day, although that would be great. He wants to be included in my day and there have been days that start with the baby crying, wanting to eat; I am still exhausted from little sleep and before I even start nursing the baby two more little ones have crawled into bed and are making requests and before I know it my day is racing away and I haven’t even said, “Good morning God.”
Next comes my responsibilities to family and home. Sometimes, I have let things slide, yet I have found time to make a post on my blog or check my email. Finally, the laziness thing is enhanced by being tired but it is still something that needs to be addressed.
“Oh, I’ll just leave it till tomorrow I am too tired today.”
Laundry… here in Ontario we are on something called smart meters for hydro. For those of you unfamiliar with these we have cheaper times during the day than during peak usage so it is cheaper to do my laundry after 9 pm. Not really what I want to be doing at nine o’clock at night but if I do two loads a night I am maintaining it. If I don’t, by the time the weekend roles around I have to climb Mount Washmore, again. I really felt God showing me if I just push myself a little harder each day and go to bed with things in their places then I will have an easier time the next day. So I have had to put these things ahead of my computer time. These are just a few examples from my life. Some of the verses that jumped out at me this week pertaining to this were;
Ephesians 5:15-16
Be very careful, then, how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:17
May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us- yes, establish the work of our hands.
Psalm 90:17 is one that has really encouraged me. I have a lot on my plate and sometimes it is hard to know where to begin, which things are most important. Haven’t we all said, if God would just send me an email telling me what to do then I’d do it? Obviously, Moses felt the same way… ‘establish the work of our hands for us– yes, establish the work of our hands.’ Can’t you relate to that? I can. So your challenge this week in Making your Home a Haven I want you to pray and ask God to establish the work of your hands.
So, what did I accomplish… here a few pictures.
BEFORE (yes that is a small Christmas tree)
AFTER (the stuffed animals are awaiting repairs)
Now I mentioned that there were a few reasons for why I did not post on time, another reason is my camera’s batteries died. I did not get as many before shots as I would have liked I also had to get some new batteries so I could get the after shots. Finally, my last reason for being behind, and this one takes up a LOT of my time, but that is alright with me.
Now I was unable to completely declutter my house, our homeschool room is the constant dumping ground in our house. I no sooner clean it up that it begins collecting things all over again. This week I am going to regain that space. How did you guys do? Did you get rid of some clutter?? Clutter in a room, on a table or in your heart?
My Challenge for this week:
If you got rid of some clutter last week, then look at those problem areas and ask yourself what you can do to prevent the clutter from coming back. Would a basket help? How about a cute bucket? An accordion file? Maybe you need to get some hooks on the wall. Look at your space and don’t forget to look up, if you have limited floor space maybe you can hang something on the wall. Be creative. Now the fun part is that we are all praying that God will establish the work of our hands. Maybe he will take you in a totally different direction.
Have fun Making you Home a HAVEN!!
