She is such a spunky little girl she has an almost endless supply of energy. She keeps us all on our toes. Last night she woke up 3 times in the night. The last time she was sitting in her bed crying for her oldest brother Elijah. I have no idea how Taliah can sleep through her crying but she managed to. I went in and tried to calm her down she kept pointing at the floor and saying that there was a snake that was going to eat her.
There lying on the floor where she was pointing was the skirt Talaih had been wearing. I picked it up and explained it is just Talli’s skirt she didn’t put it away there is nothing to worry about. Prayed with her and got her to sleep, again. This morning with wide eyes she told us all how there was a huge snake trying to eat her. Honestly, I have no idea where this child comes up with the things she does.
On a totally different vein, as Christmas approaches and perhaps you are looking for something you can do to give back, maybe you would consider the men and women who put their lives on the line so we can live in freedom. Many of our troops will not be home for Christmas. I know that I am blessed with readers from different countries and I would encourage you all to do a quick google search to see what programs are available in your own country. For those of you from Canada here is an idea that sounded very easy to participate in and would spread some hope and joy this Christmas season.
This is where I hope I am not violating copyright laws… this is taken from Red Fridays sight..
1) Buy or create your Christmas Card
2) Address the card to “A Canadian Soldier”
3) Write in a message of thanks and seasons greetings.
4) Place the card in the envelope and the Tims gift card.
Label the outside of the envelope containing the card “To A Canadian Soldier”.
5) Place the card in a another envelope in which you address to us.
6) Send the card to the following address.
Red Fridays Foundation of Canada
Christmas Cards to the troops
PO Box 31063 Westney Heights RPO
Ajax, ON
L1T 3V2
Because of the time line logistics and delivery date to meet the Christmas date in the overseas missions, all cards must be received by November 15, 2010. Any cards that arrive late will miss the shipment to Afghanistan and will be held for the following year.
They want to receive these buy November 15th so you will need to move on this idea quickly… wished I had heard of it sooner. Hope some of you will join with my family and send a Christmas Blessing out.
