In my house there are various spots that collect umm, how should I put it clutter, junk, toys, this and that and everything else in between. One of those spots is our homeschool room. To put it mildly it is not conducive to learning. Today was the day for clutters last stand… at least in the homeschool room.
But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner. –1 Corinthians 14:40
I realize I am taking the above verse a wee bit 🙂 out of context, but, at the same time I think we can all agree that God by His very nature is a God of order.
In the spring I was in the hospital with Joel so my house did not get a good spring cleaning, so now I need to do a spring/fall cleaning. My list seems huge but I think everyone in this house will feel better once it is tackled. I am feeling the need for order.
Organize bedroom closets
-The girls
-The boys
-The parents
Organize bedrooms
-The girls
-The boys
-The parents
Organize clothing
-Dressers need straightening
-Fall clothes and summer clothes needs to be sorted
-Winter coats etc. figure out who needs what
-Clean closet
-Organize craft stuff (I know that sounds crazy but this house has the largest upstairs bathroom so I use part of it for my sewing etc.)
-straighten cupboards and drawers
-go through deep freezer
-organize cookbooks and copy out favorite recipes onto cards
-organize kitchen junk drawer (It deserves its own line separate from the other drawers)
Rest of the house
-sort various baskets
-check bookshelves
-search for any other clutter magnets
At the end of this list with the exception of the basement my house should be pretty organized. All and all my basement is not bad but it could use some shelves to better organize my canning jars. I know I probably should set a time frame for getting this all done but for now I am just going to try and pick things off the list one at a time and hopefully within a few weeks (maybe October 1st) I will be done. I’d love to plow through the list but with Homeschooling, regular chores and countless doctor appointments we will be busy. I’ll keep you all posted on my progress.
How about it anyone want to join me in making a list and getting organized????
P.S. Does this ever happen to you???? In my draft form of this post there are no huge spaces in the list but when I post it there they are… hmm???
