Sorry for the late post. Today did not go as planned. Does any day for that matter? We were suppose to go off to the dentist this morning..Happy Birthday eh? Anyway we didn’t make it to the dentist.
If we back up to bedtime last night, Joshua told me he had a tummy ache. I had him get in to his jammies a little early and lay on his belly and he fell asleep. I have had Hannah under the weather and she was needing some attention so Taliah was helping Joel into bed when I heard her yell ahh he is throwing up. I came to the bottom of the stairs just in time for Joshua to throw up down the stairs. Hardwood stairs which gave quite the splatter effect I got hit in the head with it at the bottom of the stairs!!! I know probably way to much information. After a long clean up. I got him settled only to be up over and over and over again. Thankfully he seems to be fine today.
Hannah how ever is still not doing so well. Taliah had a throat thing last week where she lost her voice. That seems to be the same thing Hannah has but she is really wheezy sounding. Taliah didn’t have a fever but Hannah has although she also just cut a molar. So I don’t know she just seems so pathetic and makes me sad. Also not sure how many of you have picked up on the fact that I can be a bit of a worrier. I would love any spare prayers for her! Needless to say we were exhausted not to mention possible contagious so no dentist!
Are you waiting with baited breath to know who won the DVD?? Drum roll please….
Congratulations to…
Alexis if you want to email me just click on the envelope and I will be sure to get it right out to you!!!
Again I have to say stay tuned I do have some future ideas for giveaways!!!
