Sorry I think today will be one of those sporadic posts with a little of this and some of that thrown in.
Bunny update: He is doing very well, he is hopping along now. He sometimes looks like it requires some effort but other than that he looks well.
My kids have really put the events of the past week or so behind them and are moving on. Thanks for your prayers.
I am currently working like crazy to get us back into a normal routine. Fall seems like it is here with cooler temperatures and our trees are starting show some colour. Home school is sort of in full swing. The kids and I worked on setting some goals. I think we are hoping to review than around Christmas time to see how we are doing, although the kids have already been checking out their own charts all by themselves. They all seem very motivated!
Dave got the parts that were missing on our riding lawnmower and got it put back together and was finally able to cut the grass. I was about ready to borrow some cows from next door.
There was a real joyful tone in the house today it was really pleasant. The kids all got their work done quickly and headed outside. They caught a frog and made him a pond. (large puddle with grass thrown in) Thankfully they decided to return him to “Cow Creek.” Just on the other side of our fence there is a tiny creek that separates our property from our neighbor with the cows. Apparently my children have dubbed it “Cow Creek.”
Not long after that they had found a very long pole and an old sheet of plastic in the barn that they made a tepee like structure but with only one pole, hmm not sure if it will be still standing in the morning.
I think I need to take a day to just play with my kids. They played with toys, ran all over the yard, caught crickets to feed to their gecko, found a frog made him a pond, built a tent structure, rode on their bikes, jumped in the straw, played in the tub and had stories read to them. Sounds a lot more fun than: did countless loads of laundry, washed dishes, made meals, washed dishes, cleaned the bathroom, picked up some toys, planned History lessons for the next few weeks…etc. Now really, I don’t mind doing all the Mommy stuff I just think it would be fun to hang out in their tent and catch a frog or toad.
Maybe tomorrow we can bake some cookies catch a frog and a toad grab one of our favorite books Frog and Toad and head out to the tepee tent thing and eat cookies and read stories with our little green friends. (Once we have chores and Math out of the way of course!)
Speaking of tomorrow it is a rather auspicious day. Tomorrow will be my 100th post!!! I have something really special planned so be sure to pop on by! Until tomorrow Blessings All!!!!
