September, my second New Year. I have written about how I love fresh starts before, and a brand new school year is definitely a fresh start. I feel like we have needed a fresh start for a while in fact, it seems long overdue.
I sat down with most of my children a few days ago and talked GOALS, and even hopes and dreams. As we got closer and closer to our start date my anticipation grew. I had a very picturesque ‘first day back’ in my mind, however reality was slightly different. I had already told myself that we would ease into school and hopefully be at full capacity (so to speak) in a week or two. Yet, I was still disappointed when today started late and then did not run as smoothly as I had hoped. At the end of the day…some school did happen.
So a very quick recap of the day, this wee one was up early and ready for school. (She does not know that she is technically not school age, and yes that is oatmeal on her face.)Hannah was also up early and very much ready for school. She is 10 years old now and is interested in so many things. She was fascinated as she was looking over my shoulder this morning at all the back to school pictures. She wanted a back to school picture too and decided she should have a book in hand for her picture. Truly she melts my heart on a daily basis.
Hannah told Samuel he needed to have a picture too! He totally looks like he is posing for school photos. He is such a ham.
I was able to snap a picture of Joel too. Personally, I am really looking forward to this school year with Joel. I am trying out some new programs with him and am feeling quite hopefully about this school year for the first time in a long time. I will probably write in more detail about that in the near future. As you can see by the look on Joel’s face he is still undecided about this school year.
We settled in and hit the books, well some of them. I can say for sure that some of my crew are excited about this school year, one or two are feeling a wee bit unsure. I just can’t shake this feeling that is going to be a really amazing year and I guess I don’t want to shake it. We are juggling getting Elijah to work, and Dave is working days after working nights for 10 years, so our family schedule has seen some big changes too.
Taliah and Joshua are still Homeschooling too, but I did not make them pose for a back to school picture. We did get to capture Josh at work outside in the afternoon. Blacksmith in the making.
Josh went back out to his forge in the evening and the sun is setting earlier now and he was losing daylight fast. Taliah went out and caught this funky image of him at work.
I did not get a picture of Taliah today. I did ask her if she could paint me an Autumn themed picture to go in my little card holder. So while I do not have a picture of her I have a picture of her creativity. Her whimsical Artwork brings me so much joy. Such a gifted generous young lady.
Okay, you know I had to sneak one more Moriah picture in because, well, she is a cutie. Outside with the big kids getting in some P.E. (do they still call it that?) Tomorrow is a new day, (actually it is already tomorrow because I am staying up late to get this blog post done.) hopefully we will accomplish a wee bit more than um, yesterday.
Did you do back to school pictures with your children? For my Homeschool friends, have you started back to school? Hope for tomorrow, Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” Ah, new every morning and with that I will crawl into bed on this very, very new morning, so I can get up later this morning….
