I have mentioned before that Dave and I have been having ongoing issues with our Internet company. On Monday it came to a head. They were unable to fix the problem and our Internet usage was spiraling out of control. We had an exorbitant Internet bill and a three year contract. Break the contract and pay another exorbitant bill. Dave finally had to get really firm and say, “If you can’t fix the problem then you need to let us out of the contract at your expense and I’ll pay our normal Internet bill.
He wasn’t 100% successful but not bad a bill that could have been over $1000.- he got down to around $200.- however, they cancelled our Internet while he was still on the phone with them.
We have yet to find another company but, we are working on it.
If you were to ask Joel where we are right now he would tell you that we are sleeping at McDonalds. Close we are sleeping at Ronald McDonald’s House tonight. Joel has an MRI tomorrow morning at 7 am. The other kids are sleeping over at Gramma and Biba’s house. I had no desire to get up at 4:30 am to get everyone ready so we decided to spend the night at Ronald’s.
We would once again covet your prayers for Joel. He is always concerned about, ‘the poke’ when they put an IV in or access his port a cath. Also, Joel can be a bit of a bear when he comes out of sedation, and of course the obvious… for a clean scan.
Thank again for all your prayers and support… not sure when we will be back online but when we are you will all be the first to know. Blessings!
