I have decided to add a weekly feature to my blog. I am always a little leery of doing this. If the kids and I get sick or have a crazy busy week and I don’t post something then I’ll feel bad. So I will state up front that I will do my best to post every week but there will be weeks where I might post that we didn’t do anything worth sharing. I also don’t see this as a permanent feature year after year.
Field Trip Fridays is here to encourage all Homeschoolers to get out and do something. I can hear you all groaning right now. I get it, when you Homeschool you are busy. I sure am. I am schooling and caring for 6 children, preparing meals for 8 (sort of, Samuel’s meals are kind of pre-made but I still have to take the time several times a day to feed him), laundry for 8, grocery shopping…. and on and on it goes. I could also throw in Joel’s 3 therapy sessions a week. I understand busy, but that is exactly why I decided to do Field Trip Fridays.
It is so easy to cut out the fun things when there is so much to do. We haven’t been on too many Field Trips but they can be so beneficial. They can help to cement learning that you have been working on at home. They can create wonderful childhood memories. They can become great family moments to treasure in the years to come.
We live in a pretty rural area, there are no Museums and Art Galleries around the corner from us, but with a little digging we can find places of interest to visit. We can also go on Nature Walks and learn about the wildlife in our area. You can incorporate Nature studies through the seasons pick an area and visit it in the Fall, go again in the Winter, Spring and Summer. Go home and write a poem about it draw a picture, or photograph it when your there. Visit a nursing home. Get creative, but get out and do something.
Starting next Friday I will post our first Field Trip and hopefully add a linky, I am hoping to have lots of you Homeschoolers (you know who you are) join in. You don’t have to have gone on your field trip on a Friday and you can even link an old post. I am hoping by linking these up we can encourage each other to get out and discover the world around us with our children.
