A few years ago when Dave and I first moved to Eastern Ontario I had the pleasure of meeting Nancy at church. Nancy has been an encouragement to me, especially when it comes to writing. Nancy is an author of two books, Hope in Darkness and The Big Fat Bald Head. Nancy is a breast cancer survivor and shares her journey through her writing you can also find her at her blog, Hope in the Midst of Darkness.
Nancy recently offered to do a guest post and I thought that sounded like a great idea. So with out further adieu here is my friend Nancy~
Hi, my name is Nancy Horton and I’m guest posting for Cheryl today. We met a few years ago at church. To me, Cheryl is an example of God’s goodness, a girl that’s all heart. Her love for the Lord and others emanates outwards for the world to see. She is always looking to help others, despite her own needs. We have a mutual love for the Lord and have walked a familiar path. Thankfully, I didn’t have to watch my child suffer, I had cancer myself.
One night, I dreamt I had a mastectomy and then was restored in the same dream. When I awoke, a scripture came to mind that I was unfamiliar with. I checked my Bible. Sure enough, it was there. It said, “Lord even though I have trouble all around me, you will keep me alive.” (Psalm 139:13b; NCV). I went for a mammogram and biopsy shortly after and was diagnosed with an aggressive type of breast cancer.
Waiting for test results can be hard, but when we put our trust in the Lord and allow Him to carry our burdens, life becomes so much easier in spite of our circumstances. It’s our faith in the Lord that gets us through these times, along with the love of family and friends. Cheryl recently shared that they are waiting to hear about the results of Joel’s MRI. So please remember to keep this dear family in your prayers. After cancer treatment finishes the support from family and friends, often diminishes, leaving the patient and family to cope on their own with what has just happened. People sometimes expect these families to carry on as if nothing has ever happened but it’s often the time they need it the most.
If it’s on your heart to bless them in any way, whether through prayer or deed, please listen to your heart and follow through. God always rewards those things done with a pure heart. There is no good deed too small. It will make a difference.
Please feel free to drop by my website anytime you need a little inspiration and check out my books Hope in the Midst of Darkness and The Big, Fat, Bald Head! 🙂 www.hopeinthemidstofdarkness.com
Nancy Horton
Author & Inspirational Speaker
