I know I have said this before and I am sure I will probably say it again,’ I love new beginnings!’ A New Year is just that a new beginning. Oh, I know nothing magical happens as the clock strikes midnight and the new year begins, yet it does have a special appeal that is just hard to explain.
I like to sit and talk to each of my children in the days leading up to the 1st of January about all the things they are hoping to accomplish, learn, or even change in the new year. Moriah is yet to set goals for herself (well at least that we are aware of), Dave and I on the other hand are hoping she will choose 2017 as the year she sleeps through the night, preferably early in the year.
Dave suggested that in 2017 we could read through the Bible, so we found a nice free printable schedule on the website She Reads Truth. We are only a few days into it but everyone seems to be enjoying it. Our big kids have the list and are reading (mostly) independently, and I am reading it aloud to Joel, Hannah, Samuel, and Moriah, however there was one day where we read it together as a family. We have already had some great conversations together. I am excited to see what kind of things we learn together as we read through it .
Back in 2015 we got rid of 2015 things in 2015. I have no idea what kind of volume of things left this house in 2016, but we decided to print off the list for 2017 and see how much further we can de-clutter our house. It is amazing to me just how much stuff nine people can accumulate. You can find the list at Nourishing Minimalism.
I know it has been some time since I have blogged let alone blogged regularly however, it is one of the items on my list for this new year to get back at it. I have a lot of catching up to do. I may post a few things from this past year. Just to peak your interest did you know we have some goats, and sheep? Taliah started a business. Elijah has been working on and off at a local farm. Joshua has developed an interest in Blacksmithing and has just about everything he needs to get his forge up and running, mainly thanks to Patrick the incredible Blacksmith that lives down the road. Okay my picture does not do it justice but the candle holder is one of his, check him out at Two Hammers
I think the whole family has things they want to see happen this year, and there is part of me that is looking forward to about this time next year when we look back over 2017, I could be wrong but I think this is going to be an incredible year….come join us for the ride!!
