Field Trip Fridays & Other Homeschool Fun Link-up
Another Friday is here already! I hope everyone had a fantastic week. Hope you’ll join in and share what you have been up to in your Homeschools this week!
The Rules
Currently there aren’t many and I reserve the right to change that up too.
Add your link below, it has to be about Homeschooling, it can be something you just did or an archive post that is a real good one. Art projects, Science experiments, Nature hikes you name it! If you don’t blog feel free to leave a comment telling us about what you have been up to. G-rated blogs please!
Optional~ Grab the button in the sidebar and spread the word!!
I have been playing catch up all week and still feel like I’m running behind. I decided to change things up a bit and share about another wonderful homeschool family I know.
The Internet is a strange and fantastic thing, we have been blessed to meet many amazing people through the Internet and that is how we met this family. When Joel was going through cancer treatment I made a prayer card and sent it along to friends and family on the card I include our blog address so people could stay up to date. Friends of ours had Joel’s picture up and one day they shared our blog with friends of their’s. These friends shared our prayer badge on their blog, and through that blog the Cacciacarro Family found us. Are you confused yet?
We discovered that we had much in common, we each homeschool our 6 children, but what drew us together was the battle our sons were fighting. Their only son Gabe was diagnosed with the very same tumour (medulloblastoma) Joel had. Both Gabe and Joel currently stand ‘Victorious’! Gabe and Joel 2 cancer 0! While Gabe is an amazing guy and we are so thrilled at how well he is doing, today I want to tell you about three of his sisters.
Miriam, Hannah and Abby
(Abby, Hannah, & Miriam)
…are 3 of Gabe’s 5 sisters and these young ladies, who are talented in many ways, have a wonderful business that they are working on growing. Lilies of the Field Apparel . It began as doll apparel but they are now making skirts for little girls and accessories too! Taliah has been eyeing many outfits on their site for sometime. When we knew that we were to be blessed with a short visit with their family we decided to order a few things. Miriam was a pleasure to deal with, as well as, professional. The workmanship is excellent! As for Taliah, well, she is one satisfied customer. Here are some of their fantastic work with Violet the doll graciously modelling.
Outfit number 1 is a lovely poncho set complete with pants, poncho and hat!
All set for a day out and about here is outfit number 2 with jeans and a top.
For more formal occasions outfit number 3 a beautiful dress, shrug and slip!
I do believe Taliah was scandalized that I took this picture but I wanted to show off her cute slip!
I had to include this last picture and assure my readers that Violet is a respectable doll that does not normally go around showing off her undergarments!
If you have a special little girl in your life that has a beloved doll you must visit their site. The service is exceptional and you won’t be disappointed!

Photo credit: I snagged that lovely picture of the 3 girls from their site! Hope that is okay girls??
Time to share what you have been up to!
