We made it to and from the hospital in one piece! I left early so I could take my time and get there in plenty of time I was just about to get on the highway when I caught a glimpse of Joel in the rearview mirror.
“Joel where are your glasses?”
“I thought you gonna get them.”
“Aahhhhh Joel!!!!”
“It’s all right you need to start remembering to put them on yourself.”
“Okay.” (Sounding a little like Eeyore.)
Turn the car around and head back home if it were any other appointment I would have just gone on without them but how can I walk in to the eye doctors without his glasses.
By the time we were back to the highway we were cutting it close for making it on time, so much for the extra time I had allotted. We made it there on time. Joel happily hopped into the special chair and when they tested his eyes he scored his best score ever since his brain surgery 2 years ago. They were thrilled about the progress he has made in such a short time. He may improve to the point where he no longer needs glasses.
His eyes are currently right on track. When straightening the eyes they slightly under adjust them as often the eyes will turn out a bit during the healing process, so if he stay on target they should heal into the right place.
By the time we headed home the rain had stopped and the wind was dying down a bit. The drive home was much more pleasant than the way there.
Thanks for all the prayers for safe travel and of course for Joel too!
