Here we are on Tuesday yet again…
Excuses for this week;
- Still sick
- Computer issues
- Might have been able to post last night but got caught up in the book I am reading to the kids and when we finished I was too tired!
Which brings me to Tuesday evening. I am still chugging along at this challenge… baby steps. I keep telling myself that even if I am not attacking this at the rate I would like things to be moving at, I am making improvement and working at maintaining it. I am not even sure which rooms were on the list for this week but I will give you a quick run down of where I am at.
We have a window seat in the kitchen that opens for storage I still need to sort through it and the top shelf of my pantry and then the kitchen is fini!
Bathrooms uuumm! Still need to work on those
Girls Bedroom
The girls jumped on board and went through their room and it is looking pretty good would love it if Hannah would part with a few stuffed animals but we are working on that! I am tempted to just remove a few and see if she asks about them!
My Room
I have cleaned under the bed got all the little dust bunnies, and began working my way through dresser drawers. I have one drawer in the dresser left and two in my bedside table to go through and my closet!
Boys Bedroom
Well, the boys jumped on board too, and have not got to the end of it despite me working with them for almost a whole day! In their defense, they have a crazy huge room and all the children play in there sometimes. HOWEVER, they are pack of pack-rats. We carried a whole garbage bag of garbage out of their room. Papers and packaging they were holding on to, broken toys etc. Glad to see it go. Joshua is the least of the pack-rats and he has actually given up some things. Elijah is moving in that direction as he gets older some of the things he has been holding on to he is beginning to see them as childish but wants to save them for his kids :D. Joel on the other hand, well, he likes his stuff!
As I have been working at organizing drawers I decided to take these little boxes,
and use them as drawer organizers, umm, worked great for my ahh, unmentionables, er ah under garments. I’ll spare you the pictures of that, however, I also used them in Samuel’s drawer and it helped to corral all his tiny socks and onesies.
I found rolling his onesies fit more in and I could see them better. I have one drawer of shirts that I am always trying to cram another shirt into, I decided to try rolling my shirts too!
I was amazed at how much room it opened up in that drawer, I don’t have to dig to find what I am looking for anymore! Yes, I know, there are far too many stripes for any one person in that drawer!
Now extra bedrooms are not on the list until next week, so if I finish off the bedrooms this week then I could switch it with next week and still be caught up…maybe.
To Catch Up, I need to finish;
- My room
- The Boys room
- The Kitchen
- The bathrooms
Start cleaning;
- Guest bedroom
- Laundry room
- Stairway and Hallway
Anything is possible!
This weeks devotional, drew the picture of an unexpected guest stopping in. Would you be ready? I remember after Samuel was born friends stopped in to see the new baby. We had been up all night and had gone to church, came home, and made lunch, and just crashed because Samuel was finally sleeping. There was stuff everywhere I was actually in bed when the children yelled, “there is someone here.” There were toys on the floor, dishes piled around. I was so embarrassed, I remember my Mom saying, “Oh Cheryl they didn’t come to see your mess, they came to see you and the baby.” True enough but I think we all like to put our best foot forward. Anyway, the devotional goes on to say what if those unexpected guests started opening closets and cupboards how would you feel then?
Of course, it was then turned back to our hearts. God cares very little about your pile of dishes but He does care about what is piling up in your heart. Have you been stashing things away in your heart to deal with later. Now is the time to unpack those things and clean them out before God.
How are you all doing, anyone cleaning their hearts and homes???
