Ahh, we are home. It always feels so great to be back at home. There is nothing like climbing in to your own bed!! I had wanted to write a post when we were at the hospital but by the time I got back to my room with Samuel he was just beginning his fussy time and when I finally had him settled I was too tired to write.
I started to type this days ago but by the time I got my little guy settled I was continually too tired to post. Here I am finally. Things went reasonably well at the hospital. Joel did great with Dave spending the night and Samuel and I visiting during the day.
He is loving his little brother, he told me Samuel is really special. I agreed with him and told Joel that Samuel is special just like him. Joel then told me that everyone is special. I love that boy!!!!
We got what I am calling ‘news’, neither good nor bad. On Joel’s last MRI something showed up in the contrast part of the MRI and it only showed up in one image. We were told that the tone of the report was that it was probably nothing but because something showed up they were obligated to report it. It was stated that it should be followed up, as Joel is already scheduled for his next MRI in about 3 months time they will recheck that area at that time.
Also, Joel’s kidney function has declined. Normal function is between 110-140, when Joel began treatment his kidney function was exceptional at 178. He is now coming in at 110, so he is still considered in the normal range however percentage wise the decline was significant enough for them to cut back the dosage of his one chemo drug.
We head back up to the hospital on Wednesday for another Neuropsych evaluation and then on Thursday for a chemo top up and an eye exam.
Meanwhile at home everyone is loving on little Samuel!!
Hannah was not sure about holding him at first but she is loving holding him now!
This picture totally cracks me up, with his little smirk.
So we are all wondering what colour will his hair be??? His eye brows are extremely fair, in some lights his hair is brown and other times it looks reddish brown.
I think this smooshie face is one of my favorite pictures!
This picture below does not look like a guy who is only 13 days old.
So that’s what we’ve been up to.
