Thanks for all the kind words about my dancing boy.
I really do want to write more often but life has been very busy. We put in a late garden just some lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes. We also bought 5 blueberry bushes. We had planned a huge garden for this year but Joel’s tumor took us by surprise, so, we are happy with what we got in. The kids have also started from seed a few watermelon, pumpkin, bean, and sunflower plants which we still need to transplant. We also planted a few gourd seeds and Joshua was in tears tonight because everyone else’s seeds have started to grow but not his. So, I am praying the Lord sees fit to breathe some life into those seeds.
We would one day love to have a big strawberry patch of our own but for now we are buying them up while they are in season. Strawberry jam is my family’s favorite so I need to make a tonne!
Joel and I are back to the hospital tomorrow he needs to have some bloodwork done. His counts needed to be checked and then they are going to do a GFR which is where they inject a small amount of a radioactive substance and then over the next 3 hours they draw blood to see how well the kidneys are functioning. Joel will also have a hearing test as one of his chemo drugs can affect his hearing. Lastly, we have a pre-op with the dentist. So it will be a full day. Tomorrow will also be my first time driving by myself to the hospital. I am pretty sure I will be fine but somehow directions are never completely cemented in my head until I have driven it myself.
I thought I’d leave you with a picture of Joel relaxing with Mocha….
