In our day technology is ever increasing. The computers sitting in the stores are already practically obsolete. I have been wanting a laptop for years and I have been amazed as I have window shopped over the last few years at the changes in technology. I have watched them become more affordable. Yet there are always the more expensive ones that have the latest stuff. My brother works in computer sales so I am always asking him to tell me the difference between this one and that one. What does this one have that the other one doesn’t have.
So the day finally came Dave gave the okay. Anytime we are spending a chunk of money we need to be on the same page. So we didn’t go with top of the line by any means but I got something that meets all our needs or at least our immediate needs. My brother tells me that most people replace their laptops and home computers about every two years. I sure hope that this one lasts a lot longer then two years.I love that I can take this into different rooms in the house, so I am not stuck in the homeschool room on a hard chair. I am hoping because I am a little more mobile with this computer I will be able to write more often.
As I mentioned yesterday I have lots of things to catch you all up on, so heres to writing more!
