The last few days have been really busy. There is all the ordinary things like cooking, cleaning, laundry and school lessons. On top of that there has been just extra busyness of life. Going here and there with our kids. Dave has a few days off in a row so we decided to do some fun stuff with the kids.
We went for a drive with the kids and saw ‘our beaver’ of course I didn’t have my camera with me (the bane of my existence- I’m feeling just a tad dramatic.) So here is a picture of him from last spring he really hasn’t changed a bit. He might be parting his hair differently but other than that he is a carbon copy.
He really is cute isn’t he? We live near a park that you can drive through that has several islands with bridges attaching the islands to each other it is full of wildlife. We have seen deer, beavers, foxes, rabbits, groundhogs, wild turkeys, squirrels, chipmunks and all sorts of birds. So we like to go and check out all the beaver lodges to see if anybody is home. This fellow likes to sit on top of his lodge.
My three oldest children had received tickets to the local children’s theatre group and tonight was the last show in the series. Dave stayed at home with the little ones and I accompanied the older ones to the theatre. We saw Norman Foote a one man show. He sang and told stories and had interesting puppets. The kids were quite amused by him. While Elijah laughed his heart out he thinks that next year he will probably be too old for the children’s theatre we will have to wait and see how he feels next year.
We have had a hard time fitting into a homeschool group here, we had been driving almost an hour to one group and while everyone is so kind there it was a lot to drive that distance. We just recently heard about a group in town. Today we got together with that group for indoor soccer, again I should have had my camera!!!!!!! It was so cute to watch the little ones, Hannah was kicking a ball around too! We had a great time and met some new folks too. We are hoping to move this year so I am not wanting to put roots too far down as we may end up closer to the other group we had been driving to, but for the mean time we will enjoy this group and see where we end up in a few months.
I am sure I am leaving many of our adventures of the last few days out but for now that is all I can remember I am about to get ready for bed I think. Although I cannot post on April 3rd without saying, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! (She doesn’t even read my blog but it doesn’t seem right not to acknowledge her.) She is 65 years young! Oh and Happy Birthday to my Aunt Suzanne and to my brother in law Wally aka Uncle Wally.
Good night all!
