I had meant to check in at the end of the day and let you all know how the list went. Here is the break down…
*Clean the kitchen -DONE
*laundry -Okay This is rarely ever completed even when I think it is all finished someone finds a sock in their boot or something is spilled and it all starts over again.
*homeschool -This is an everyday thing around here.
*play room needs organizing -Yes completed!!!
*homeschool room needs rejigging -Partially completed but not 100% completed.
*correspondence (letter writing) -I haven’t even started it yet 🙁
*We use Mangers of Their Home and our master schedule needs some work -Still working on this one.
*Joshua has informed me we need more cookies 🙂 -We made Brownies instead but we still need some cookies I am told.
*Bathrooms need cleaning -This got done!
*Children’s rooms need some organization -They are both looking good for the time being.
*I have one short e-book I want to read and I want to finish another book that I am reading. -Not done.
*Make breadcrumbs -DONE!
*Time with Mocha -Yep!
*Make supper -Of Course!!
*clean up after supper -Yes
*Joel has just informed me he needs a bath -It did happen but not until the next day
*Of course bedtime stories we are currently reading Alice in Wonderland and Mossflower -Still reading Mossflower but we have finished Alice in Wonderland and have moved on to Alice Through the Looking Glass
There you have it!
