If anyone showed up here yesterday looking for ‘Field Trip Friday & Other Homeschool Fun,’ oops I messed up. It has been so busy around here I have not had a chance to post anything. We have been blessed with lots of company this past week. Last Saturday we had a friend and his four children for supper, on Sunday we had my Mom, Dad and brother over for supper. Monday was a day for catching up, and taking Joel to town for speech therapy. On Tuesday night we had friends from out-of-town come to stay, what a blast that was, on Thursday morning they headed out, and Joel and I headed back to town for occupational therapy. On Friday we received some much-needed help from our neighbour.
Let me back up a bit… Since we moved here almost 3 years ago it has been our desire to get a large garden going. Our first year here it was almost August so we did not even bother with a garden. We started thinking about where we would put our big garden and had great plans for the following spring/summer, however, life had a different plan and the end of March 2010 Joel began his battle with brain cancer and the garden did not happen. We planted a few tomatoes and cucumbers and once again we said next year. Well, 2011 brought us to the end of Joel’s treatment just as June was upon us, we found ourselves swamped with therapy appointments and we were also still adjusting to life with Samuel. Again the tomatoes went in and a few extra fruit trees but not much else happened.
Bring on 2012…
May’s Garden (week 1, 2 & 3)
This is the plot of land we are wanting to put our main vegetable garden in.
Here beside the barn is where we are planning on putting our strawberries and relocating our blueberry bushes to. Dave was hard at work with the rota-tiller but it quickly became quite evident this was going to be extremely labour intensive and time-consuming as the sod was very thick.
Along came our fabulous neighbour to the rescue with some John Deere power! Samuel kept waving at the tractor!
Our kids had a hoot watching him plow our garden. Not all of the furrows flipped over nicely because he had to go so slowly. The speed of the tractor helps to flip the sod over making for nice furrows.
Dave and I were thrilled to watch as well, as we knew many hours of work were being saved!
Our neighbour came back and ran his disks through the garden plots, and you can see the improvement…
Dave was able to get the smaller plot rota-tilled and the blueberry bushes and strawberries transplanted. There is still a lot of work to be done but after almost 3 years we finally feel like we are making some progress!
Over the next few days I will work on updating what else we have been up to.
