Today as with most days I have a huge to do list. I usually figure I won’t get everything on the list done but I still try to cram as much as I can in.
I found this photo and thought it was too funny not sure where to give credit but it does have Swatch on it so I figure it must have come from an ad of theirs Thanks Swatch! I use to have lists on ‘post its’ but have misplaced too many things that way now I try to write my lists on paper in my ‘Home management binder’ 🙂 I was never as bad as that guy!
We were off to a lazy start this morning so we decided to have a “Big Breakfast” which is kind of like brunch. Today it consisted of eggs (hard boiled, fried and scrambled) bacon, fried potatoes, toast, fruit, yogurt and homemade granola with apple juice or lemonade. So now we are all stuffed and the work for the day needs to get going.
*Clean the kitchen
*play room needs organizing
*homeschool room needs rejigging
*correspondence (letter writing)
*We use Mangers of Their Home and our master schedule needs some work
*Joshua has informed me we need more cookies 🙂
*Bathrooms need cleaning
*Children’s rooms need some organization
*I have one short e-book I want to read and I want to finish another book that I am reading.
*Make breadcrumbs
*Time with Mocha
*Make supper
*clean up after supper
*Joel has just informed me he needs a bath
*Of course bedtime stories we are currently reading Alice in Wonderland and Mossflower
I will have to check in here and let you know how things are going!!!
