I rather dislike that almost every post in the last year has begun with words similar to this, “I am so sorry I have not written anything in so long…” I really can not say why I have been aloof because I do enjoy writing, but when I finally make a decision to write again, I am lost with where to begin.
Perhaps I will post some catch up stories, but for now I just felt like starting fresh and writing about today.
By about 2:30 in the afternoon I knew that the news I carried would momentarily disappoint 5 of my 6 children. They were all hoping, dreaming, and praying for a different outcome and I anticipated some disappointment. Yet it is still happy news.
Dave and I showed up to the hospital about 5 minutes before my appointment. We waited outside the exam room when the door opened I asked where I needed to register. Apparently, we were in the wrong spot, so we moved through the corridors and came to the correct desk. I presented my health card and she went over my information and said she could not find me in her computer. After much waiting while they made a few phone calls it appears that I was a, ‘NO SHOW’ two days ago. I had the right time of day but the wrong day. I really do not understand how it happened.
They said they would call over to the other department to see if she could fit me in. Well, if I could stand the wait I was welcome to stay as she had a lady ahead of me. We decided to wait. My appointment was for 1:15 (or so I thought) and by 2:20 it was finally my turn. The technician was very quiet and not very forthcoming with information, but pleasant. She quickly finished up the exam and Dave and I bundled up to face the cold. We ran 2 errands while we were in town and headed home.
As I opened the door I heard squeals of, “She’s back!” With anxious faces they all looked at me. “Just one,” I said. Their faces fell but then quickly smiled, “Well, we still get one baby.” Hannah was the most disappointed, she immediately reminded everyone to pray all the harder that it would be a girl! They had all been praying for twin red-headed girls. (Well with one exception, Joel who believes it is better for babies to come one at a time was quite content with the news.) However, they are all united in their belief that this time it just has to be a girl.
Expected arrival, September 7th 2015, just one.
