Umm it is Wednesday, and I am just getting to this post. I am not sure why I thought Monday would be a great day to review the previous week? It makes sense I suppose, but, Monday is one of my busiest days of my week. So while Monday is a logical choice it is not necessarily the best day for me. I’ll try to do better next week!
How did it go ? Are any of you still with me??? Well I have a confession to make, I didn’t have a great week of cleaning and organizing! I did not totally fall off the wagon or anything like that but it was just not as productive. While my kitchen on the surface does not look too bad it is in need of some real organizing in the cupboards and I did not get to it at all! I decided I would post a before video today of my kitchen and then lump it in with this weeks rooms (bathrooms and master-bedroom) that might be a lot as it is already Wednesday but there is nothing wrong with aiming high! When I get it done I will just go ahead and post the results and if it takes me the rest of the week then it could be Monday before you see it 🙂 Honestly, if this challenge takes me an extra week or two I am fine with that I really do want to go through each room and do a good clean and get rid of all the extra stuff I have been holding on to!
I enjoyed this weeks devotional. I love the challenge that God cares more about your heart than how clean your home is and before we stop to pick another thing up we should examine our own hearts first. That needs to be a daily prayer for me. Lord before I start this new day examine my heart. If I am harboring hurtful thoughts or attitudes in my heart, please cleanse me of them. Help me go into this day filled with joy and a quiet spirit so that I can joyfully go about the work at hand and loving lead and guide my children today!
The challenge also had ‘Entrance’ listed for this week, well, we have two entrances so I went the easy route and avoided our back entrance through the unheated summer kitchen. The summer kitchen is a mud-room/ storage/ barn, as it has housed chickens, cats and dog as well as their feed. You can begin to imagine what that room looks like. Hence why I opted for our front entrance. I didn’t bother to make a video of it as there really isn’t much to it and I got off very lightly there, as there just wasn’t much to do. Here is a quick look at the front entrance.
There is this weeks update… better late than never??? 🙂
