Don’t we as Momma’s always try to be the best Momma we can and sometimes find we are comparing ourselves to other Mom’s.
I am trying to feed my children healthy food, adding in organics where I can.
Making things from scratch…
I don’t grind my own grains but want to…
Well I did something that I don’t normally do.
We had finished Joel’s therapy appointment a few days ago and stopped by my Mom’s place. As I was pulling out of her driveway I realised I had an hour and a half to hit the grocery store, drive home (1/2 hour drive) and make supper to get Dave off to work on time.
I loaded Joel and Samuel into the grocery cart and rushed into the store to get the items I needed, they were all out of both items I needed. On the spot came up with a new idea and headed to the check out. At the end of the aisle staring at me was a bag of double stuffed Oreos on sale. I don’t buy Oreos, I bake and if I were going to buy them Dave would grab them from the Kraft store.
Before I knew what I was doing they landed in my shopping cart and the next thing I knew I was handing each boy an Oreo as I buckled them into the van. Yep, my 13 month old ate his first Oreo, all chances for winning the mother of the year award dashed!
When I got home I saw this precious face sleeping soundly, no such thing as a sugar rush just a sugar crash!
On to Joel…
We were supposed to head to the Children’s Hospital to get Joel’s MRI results today but his appointment was postponed apparently the head Neuro-Oncologist has headed to Asia?!? Not permanently but just long enough to disrupt our schedule:) I decided to get on the phone to our case nurse because waiting one week for results is plenty long enough as far as I am concerned.
I am pleased to tell you that there are no signs of tumour, or disease, his scans are clear!
I have another thing for everyone to be praying about. Joel is going to be having surgery on the 16th and if he has a cold it could get postponed so we are praying for good health for us all, especially Joel. Joel ‘s one eye turned inward after his brain surgery and they did not want to do anything about it while he was having cancer treatment, and then they wanted to give him some time to heal before stressing his body with another surgery. They have decided to move ahead with surgery to try to straighten his eye, this particular surgery has about a 60% success rate, of course, we are praying for it to be a success.
Thanks again for all your prayers and support!
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