I am always shocked that it is Friday again! Where does the week go??
The Rules
Currently there aren’t many and I reserve the right to change that up too.
Add your link below, it has to be about Homeschooling, it can be something you just did or an archive post that is a real good one. Art projects, Science experiments, Nature hikes you name it! If you don’t blog feel free to leave a comment telling us about what you have been up to. G-rated blogs please!
Optional~ Grab the button in the sidebar and spread the word!!
Field Trip Fridays & Other Homeschool Fun #3
There is so much going on around our house that I am not sure when we will have time for another excursion, unless you count garage sales. (Although garage sales in them self could teach any number of lessons!) When the weather is nice we like to be outside as much as possible.
Our gardens are calling out and there is an endless education that can take place in the garden. There is so much to study in the garden. How to prepare the ground, what makes soil good and fertile? Which seeds to plant and where. Weeds! You could do a study on clouds and rain. Insects…. My the list could go on and on. I am loving watching my children discover the world outdoors from oldest to youngest!
What have you been up to in your Homeschools? I would love to see what you have all been up to!
