I remember 13 years 364 days ago, very late in the day around 11 pm my water broke. Dave and I were over the moon with excitement. We hurried off to the hospital where they confirmed that yes my water did break and I was in the early stages of labour. They encouraged us to try to get some sleep, I think we did try but we were very excited it was hard to sleep. I felt my first contraction around 2am on the 5th of February. By morning things were really getting going. Our little guy’s heart rate dropped and they thought they might have to do an emergency C-section but thankfully at about 2:30 in the afternoon our first-born entered this world. Elijah David how you changed our lives.
I can still close my eyes and see you all curled up in my lap, and I marveled at how fearfully and wonderfully made you were. I can remember feeling so undeserving of this wonderful opportunity I was given by God. Of all the Mommas in the world God picked me to be your Mom. That God would trust me, and your Dad, with the awesome responsibility of raising you.
Here you stand 14 years later on your way to becoming the man that God wants you to be.
The journey is not always easy and you have a lifetime of lessons yet to learn, but keep your eyes on Jesus, Elijah, and you will be amazed at where the Lord will take you. You are a gift to each one of us and you have enriched our lives. We love you, Happy Birthday!
Note: Scanner isn’t working so I had to take a picture of a picture and most of my great baby pics of Elijah are in our scrapbook 🙁
