As you may have read in previous posts this is the 3rd book review for 3 great books inspired by the movie Courageous. This one was perhaps the most challenging for me. Not because the book was hard to read or lacked in any way but simple because it was written for the target audience: MEN.
~ Stephen & Alex Kendrick
I am hoping I do this review justice!
Here is the publisher blurb;
A man cannot be passive about what Scripture tells him to do for his family and expect to be found faithful to God in the end. He must see with spiritual eyes and realize that future generations are directly impacted by his daily decisions.”
—The Resolution for Men
The Resolution for Men is the inspiring book born out of Courageous, a new film by the makers of Fireproof coming to theaters nationwide in fall 2011. The movie, which presents a powerful story of strong male leadership, is an emotionally charged wake-up call to fathers whose influence upon their children and society is immeasurable. The Resolution for Men follows to challenge men of all ages to become as bold and intentional about embracing their responsibilities as leaders of their homes, marriages, and children.
“I have to share the very first page, in bold print and in cap-locks it reads;
Weak men will not be able to handle the contents of this book. The resolution is not for the faint of heart, and those who commit to it will be more accountable in the future.
You will be challenged to get out of your comfort zone, work through hidden issues from your past, and make strategic sacrifices for the sake of your family and your faith.
But those who step up to the challenge will find that living out the resolution will radically impact their priorities and assist them in becoming strong men who are found faithful.
It will take courage. But it will be worth it all.
You’ve been warned.”
I love it! As a Mom to 4 boys I want them to grow into strong, courageous men who will be found faithful! As a wife that is the kind of man I want my husband to be. ( I think he is well on his way already but I still want him to read the book!)
Here are my thoughts, fabulous book. It can definitely be used in a group setting, as there are discussion questions in the back. Yet if fellas want to read through it on their own in the appendices, #5 to be exact there is a little how to for starting an accountability group. There are 9 appendices with a lot of good information. I think this is also a book you will want to refer back to and reread it or portions of it, as it is filled with so much that pertains to living a Godly life as a man.
As the book states in the very beginning this is not for the faint heart, there is a lot of stuff in this book, and while it is wonderfully written and extremely engaging it can be challenging. There is a definite call to man-up. If that sounds harsh it is because we really aren’t hearing that message from the world. Men have been downplayed, if not worse made fun of in the media. It is really hard to find a positive male role model. This book is calling men to be that and so much more.
This is a book going on the ‘must read’ list for all the men in my life, my Dad is in his 70’s and I think he will take stuff away from this book, my husband is getting closer to 40 and I want him to read it. My son is almost 14 and while he has a way to go yet I want my husband to work through parts of this book now with him and save some until he is a little older. No one book covers every aspect of the Christian walk with the exception of THE BIBLE, but this is a pretty close second, as it covers a lot. I said this about “The Resolution for Women”, but we can apply to the guys too, “I kept thinking if every Christian man would pick up this book and resolve to live this way, what an incredible difference that would make!”
A great book for every man to read!
Book has been provided courtesy of David C Cook and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Available at your favourite bookseller from B&H Publishing Group
Available at your favourite bookseller from B&H Publishing Group
Hope this wasn’t to hard to read my spacing between paragraphs is not showing up.
