I feel I have been a bit of a lousy blogger lately. Things have been extremely busy around here and I have been incredibly tired lately which makes for a bad combination for blogging. Samuel is still waking up in the night and I have had a cold that just doesn’t want to go away which is a recipe for one tired Momma. Sadly, my blog is one thing I can let slide, so I apologize for the lack of updating that has gone on around here.
To start with I have not made a decision for which blog button I am going to use for Joel. It was a tie and you all made compelling argument as to why you liked the one that you picked. Which only added to my terrible case of indecision. So for now you can use whichever one you like they both work and even if I take one down the one you have will still link back. Thanks for all the love you showed for my Joel!
Next, of course I did not forget that on the 15th this little guy turned 9 months old. He is a joy and makes us smile many times a day. He still enjoys being close by, he is a bit of a clingy guy, but I know all too soon he will be running around, so for now I will deal with the clingyness. He is trying different food. Taliah made the observation that when we give him something to eat he has to examine it for some time before he will eat it yet, something he finds on the floor goes straight to the mouth.
Shock of all shocks it is my hope to get back here again today for a second post so be sure to check in again later today!
