Awhile ago I alluded to the fact that I would one day share a little bit more about our living arrangement. We are currently living in my parents basement it will be two years this June.
Now I feel the need to back up a bit and explain a little about what lead us to this place. Just a few months after Dave and I were married Dave applied for a job with Chrysler. We knew we were expecting so a job in the auto industry seemed like a great way to provide for our little family. Elijah was born 9 months and 2 days after we were married. He was about 3 months old when Dave started working for Chrysler. When I was pregnant with number 2 we bought our 1st house. Just a month or 2 after moving in came Taliah and Chrysler was already showing signs of trouble. We hadn’t had our house for long when Dave’s whole shift was laid off.
Dave went back to school and took a 2 year program that was condensed into an intense 5 month period and took a job in Toronto and after only 9 months he was downsized again and he had to find yet another job. He quickly found another job, but these two lay offs took our income down to half of what it use to be. We sold our house and moved into a rented home about a month and 1/2 before Joshua was born. 23 months later Joel was born by now Dave was working 2 jobs to make ends meet. Within another 23 months we had moved here (into my parents basement) and Dave had started his current job and Hannah had joined our family. We moved in to their basement for many reasons obviously to cut costs but we had also moved several hours away from where we had been for this job and it was fantastic to not have to try and find some place right away.
Here I sit just a few days short of 23 months after Hannah being born and we think we may just be finally ready to buy a home again and move out of the basement. Oddly enough I am not about to give birth to another baby nor am I pregnant. That could be a whole other post about family size but I will save that for another day. So that is a little bit of history of what brought us to where we are today.
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